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ResQ achieves Outstanding Organisation Accreditation from Best Companies

by | Aug 4, 2022 | News

ResQ, the leading outsourced contact centre specialist, has today announced that it has been recognised by its employees as an ‘outstanding company to work for’ through its 2022 Best Companies survey.

The Best Companies accreditation programme is recognised throughout the UK as the standard for workplace engagement.  With the aim of helping to “make the world a better workplace”, Best Companies benchmark organisations against the “very best”, in terms of employee engagement.

ResQ’s CEO, Gill Marchbank comments:

“Our commitment to workplace engagement underpins our ability to create a unique environment where our employees can build a highly rewarding career, whilst delivering industry-leading sales and customer service results for our clients. This is what we set out to achieve 16 years ago and it’s still very much the backbone of our business. Our people have spoken and for them to recognise the business as an outstanding company to work for is incredible.”

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